Winter can be a dangerous time for driving around the United States, including for drivers in Maryland. Of course, even if the road conditions are favorable at a given time, this does not ensure the road will be safe for drivers, as poor driving from others can make it an unsafe place to be. Moreover, it can be particularly unsafe when there is a potential for an accident with a car and a semi truck.
This was the case recently after a truck accident occurred on the highway involving a car. The semi truck accident happened after the semi was about to make a right turn. As the truck tried to negotiate the right turn, the driver steered into the center lane to make the turn wider. A 77-year-old man driving a pickup truck behind the semi did not slow down, however, which resulted in a collision between the two vehicles.
The accident left the pickup truck driver with serious injuries, as well as minor injuries for his wife. The driver of the semi, meanwhile, was not said to be injured in the accident.
The accident illustrates how easy it is for accidents to happen between cars and semi trucks. These accidents can be caused by the negligence of the truck driver, the car driver, or both in some cases.
In a case like the above, for instance, some courts have concluded that truck drivers who take up two lanes of traffic while turning are at fault for a resulting accident. Others might find fault with the car driver's inability to slow down and avoid the truck. In these instances, it is essential that injured parties have an effective attorney who can vigorously present their side of the case, and demonstrate why the other driver's negligence caused the accident.