I started working as an attorney with Sidney Schlachman in June of 1972, a relationship that endured for the next 46 ½ years until his death on January 26, 2018. Sidney told me that an attorney’s word is sacred and must never be compromised no matter what happens as a case proceeds to final resolution. In all of those 46 and ½ years, I asked him to do many things to assist me and our Firm in representing our clients and I can state with certainty that he never said no to any of my requests for assistance.
Whatever success I have been able to achieve in almost 48 years as a practicing attorney, I owe to Sidney Schlachman, my mentor and best friend. He was a man that never compromised his word to anyone and who never said “no” to me. He is greatly missed and there will never be anyone who can take his place.
Herb Weiner