The future of Baltimore lies in the hearts and minds of the city’s children. Despite the love and care given by most parents, however, children remain among the most vulnerable to the negligence or intentional misconduct of other adults. When incidents happen, it can leave scars, both physical and emotional, that last a lifetime for the child.
For instance, one of the ugliest crimes that can be committed is molestation and sexual abuse by an adult. These incidents often are committed by adults who know the child, and who are in trusted positions of authority, such as teachers, clergy members or other family members.
While sexual misconduct is an intentional act, there are plenty of other causes of injury to children that may not necessarily be intentional. For example, when kids are injured on the playground or while playing with defective toys, the act itself may not be intentional, but it can still leave lasting injuries to the child. Similarly, dog bite attacks or even a basic car accident can result in serious physical and emotional injury to the child.
Whatever the cause, it is vital that children be given a voice to stand up to the wrongdoing of others. While these incidents are tragic and sensitive, the injured child may be left with severe injuries that require years of treatment. As a result, children need an advocate to hold the person accountable who committed the negligent or intentional act that injured the child, and to obtain compensation for the child in order to deal with the lasting effects of the injury.
Our firm specializes in child injury cases, and has worked tirelessly with a number of young clients to gain an understanding of what the child is going through now and into the future, and what can be done to provide some form of relief. Through working with the child, his or her family, medical professionals and others, we can build a strong case that respects the child’s privacy while vigorously advocating for relief. To learn more about our firm’s dedication toward children, please visit our child injury page.